Differentiating taxa of vascular plants in the botanical and geographical zonation of Amurskaya Oblast
Amur Branch of Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS, Blagoveshchensk, Russia
Amurskaya Oblast (363700 km2) is a mountain-plain area located in the southern
Far East of Russia. The natural environment varies greatly in different parts of the
region due to its geographic and orographic situation as well as the complicated
history of development. Botanical and landscape materials collected within 1988-
2011 have allowed botanical and geographical zoning of Amurskaya Oblast, based
on the principles developed by Sochava. Proposed geobotanical units are supported
by extensive botanical information, including taxonomic, geographic and coenotic
analysis. This approach makes it possible to designate the completed zoning
as botanical and geographical. Two geobotanical regions were accepted
at the territory of Amurskaya Oblast: Circumboreal and East Asian regions. Within
the Circumboreal region three subregions were separated: Okhotsk-Kamchatka,
Amur-Sakhalin and East Siberian; the latter included three provinces: Nyukzha,
Gilyuy-Tok, Tukuringra-Soktakhan. Within the East Asian region two subregions
were identified: Dahurian and Manchurian with 4 provinces: Zeya-Bureya, Upper
Amur, Turan-Mamyn, Amur-Ussuri. Within regions and subregions 52 districts
were separated. Brief physical-geographical and geobotanical data are provided
for each region, subregion, and province. The differentiating families and genera
are noted for the regions and differentiating species are listed for subregions and
provinces. This work was supported by RFBR, grant no. 11-05-98527.
© 2012 Organizing Committee
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