Specificity of lichen composition in temperate oak forests in the Asian Pacific

Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia

A study of lichen biota in temperate oak forest in Asian Pacific showed its specificity. There is a “core” of lichen species, characteristic of pure and mixed oak forests. This lichen biota is nemoral (144 species; 69 %) with prevalence of multiregional species (82; 39 %), Eurasian-American (45; 22 %) and East Asian (36; 17 %). Lichen biota of oaks also include species, characteristic of coniferous and mixed forests of the Sikhote-Alin Range. Taxonomic diversity totals 208 species of 63 genera and 26 families. Among them, 199 species are registered on the Quercus mongolica bark; and 88 species on the Quercus dentata bark. There are 78 lichen species common to both oak species. Dominance of species from the order Lecanorales is considered a characteristic feature of Holarctic floras. There have been studies of epyphitic lichens on Quercus dentata as well. In comparison with those met on Quercus mongolica, they have the following features: poor taxonomical diversity, weaker diversity of lichen communities, lesser frequency of crustaceous and fruticose growth forms, different leading taxa, prevalence of nemoral and East Asian elements. The taxonomic and geographical analyses of the specific structure of lichens on Q. mongolica and Q. dentata helped to identify a gradient between lichen biota of Korean and Sikhote-Alin origin. In the southern Khasan District, Primorsky Krai, “the cores” of characteristic species for both oak species have much in common (species composition, their frequency, projective cover); that proves long age of interactions between these two oak species in the landscape of the southern Primorsky Territory. Lichen biota on Q. dentata here are more specific in comparison with that of the Lazo District. In the foothills of Sikhote- Alin Range, “the core” of characteristic lichen species for both oak species essentially differs. In general, lichen biota appearance in the coastal broadleaved forests is formed by nemoral lichen species, which are mostly widespread in the one of broadleaved and coniferous-broadleaved forests.

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