EABGN Resolution Draft

Drafted by Victor KUZEVANOV

The East Asia Botanic Garden Network (EABGN) meeting, Vladivostok, 23rd-28th September, 2012

The East Asia Botanic Garden Network (EABGN) meeting was held in Vladivostok, Russian Far East, as a part of the International Symposium “The East Asian Flora and it's role in the formation of the World's vegetation” on September 23rd-28th, 2012, hosted by the Botanic Garden-Institute of Fard Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Representatives of participating Botanic Gardens of East Asian part of Russia, China, Japan, Rep. of Korea, Mongolia and Taiwan took part in the meeting. The symposium was attended by more than 120 delegates from 10 countries of East Asia (China, Japan, Mongolia, Rep. of Korea, Taiwan), Europe (Belarus, Finland, Russia) and North America (Canada, USA).

The theme of the EABGN meeting was «Botanic gardens of East Asia at the crossroads: cooperation on plant diversity conservation in 21st Century» which considered the present status and potential roles and priorities of botanic gardens and botanical institutions in East Asia for further cooperation in biodiversity conservation, joint research and scientific publications, education and public awareness promotion, exchange of students and young scientists, the EABGN web-site maintenance, culture and heritage conservation, networking and information exchange, seed banking, involvement in international conventions and in other areas of mutual interests in particularly in compilation of the Red List of East Asian Plants, in exchange of all types of seeds and plant specimens (living or dried) for scientific research and educational purposes, in a mutual support of ethnobotanical gardens construction as cross-disciplinary resources in participating gardens and universities. Prof. Huang Hongwen was elected as the President of the EABGN for the next 2-year turn (2012-2014). The next EABGN meeting will be held in China in 2014 (the exact site and dates to be identified later through regular communications of participating botanic gardens).

© 2012 Organizing Committee