The moss flora of the Primorsky Territory (Russian Far East)

Valentina CHERDANTSEVA1 & Konstantin GOROBETS2
1 Institute of Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia
2 Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia

At present, 474 taxa of mosses belonging to 189 genera and 56 families are known from the Primorsky Territory (PT). The spectra of genera and families in their main parts are typical of temperate flora. The greatest number of species occurs in the forest, on various substrata, including the bark of living and dead trees, decaying wood, soil, stones and rocks. About 65-66 % of the moss flora is represented by species with wide holarctic or disjunctive holarctic ranges. Species with more limited distributions number about 30 %. These are almost exclusively East Asian and East Asian – North American species; many of which are widespread over the south of the Russian Far East and play a great phytocoenotical role not only in the Machurian but also in coniferous forest types. In comparision to the moss floras of other regions of Russia the moss flora of PT is also characterized by high specificity. Thus, approximately 115 species (24 %) and 26 genera (about 14 %) occur in the Russian Far East, among those 8 genera (Dicranoloma, Homaliadelphus, Meteorium, Miyabea, Pseudoleskeopsis, etc.) and 36 species (Anomodon solovjovii, Entodon giraldii, Forsstoemia trichomitria, Lindbergia sinensis, etc.) occur in Russia in the PT only. Truly endemic species, which usually testify to flora’s origin, are very few in the moss flora of the studied region. At present there are 6 endemic species (Brachymenium exiloides, Coscinodon pseudohartzii, Entodon rufescens, Forssroemia stricta, Lindbergia geniculata, Plagiothecium cordifolium). The bryoflora of the PT is very similar to that of the northern Japan, adjacent provinces of China and Korean Peninsula.

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