The book provides information on the original concept of the ecological range (ecorange) of plant species which is aimed to reveal their adaptive strategies in the Russian Far East (RFE) monsoon zone. The ecorange is a part of multidimensional ecological space. Grades of ecological factors were estimated by means of the scales of L.G. Ramensky, which were modified by the authors for the RFE monsoon zone. The ecorange of plant species is a complex of coenopopulations within the species’ geographic area of distribution. Holoecorange is a part of ecological space, where a species is able to exist, and coenoecorange is a part of holoecorange where a species predominates in plant communities. The ecorange is characterized by dimensions, configuration, orientation, effectiveness, the ecological optimum and the center of the ecorange. The configuration of the ecorange shows the path of ecological adaptation. The center of the holoecorange refers to the most probable ecological optimum if interspecific competition would be absent. The coenoecorange / holoecorange ratio refers to the effectiveness of ecological adaptation of species. The disposition of the ecological optimum and the center of the ecorange show a trend of ecological adaptation. The species examined in the ecorange study are native (indigenous flora) or alien (invasive), with various chromosome numbers and ploidy levels. Coenopopulations of different positions within the geographical area of species and within plant cover were studied. The properties of ecorange could be useful as indicators of ecological differentiation of taxa in connection with evolutionary processes. Special attention was paid to ecoranges of species with various ploidy levels. Coenopopulations of species in geographical profiles from the monsoon zone to inland areas show a transformation that affects almost all of the properties of the ecorange and ecological niche: the continental climate stipulates the “continentalization” of ecological niches. The book is based on extensive field work by the authors.
Contents of the book: introduction, ecology of the area of study, the family Poaceae as a model group, the ecological scales method, coenopopulation typology. The concept of ecological range as an advanced stage of development of the ecological scales method (parameters of the ecorange, effectiveness of the species in its ecological range), ecological differentiation; ecological ranges of plant species in global-scale ecotone from the Pacific region to Inner Asia; ecological ranges of invasive species in the RFE; ecological niches of species from the continent and from the islands, at the limits of the species’ geographical distribution, ecological niche as a discriminative feature of closely related species; conclusion, references, acknowledgements, brief information about the authors, Appendix (ecological scales for plant species of the monsoon zone of the RFE and ecological ranges for Poaceae species). The book is illustrated by tables & figures, colour photos of plants & landcapes.