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Plant nomenclature Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation 2020. 9(1): 175-177 Article first published online: 08 APR 2020 | DOI: 10.17581/bp.2020.09108 Lectotypification of the name Salix pseudodepressa (Salicaceae) Nataliya K. Kovtonyuk1 & Irina V. Belyaeva2,3 1 Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom 3 Institute Botanic Garden UrB RAS Yekaterinburg, Russia Problems with typification of the name, Salix pseudodepressa A.K.Skvortsov, are discussed and the lectotypification of this name is made. Ковтонюк Н.К., Беляева И.В. Лектотипификация названия Salix pseudodepressa (Salicaceae). Проблемы типификации названия Salix pseudodepressa A.K.Skvortsov обсуждены и проведена лектотипификация этого названия. Keywords: lectotypification, nomenclature, digital herbarium, Caucasus, flora, Salix pseudodepressa, Salicaceae, лектотипификация, номенклатура, цифровой гербарий, Кавказ, флора России References Belyaeva, I.V. & R.H.A. Govaerts 2020. Salix L. In: The World checklist of vascular plants (WCVP) (R.H.A. Govaerts, ed.). Available from: https://wcvp.science.kew.org/. Last accessed 02.03.2020. GBIF 2020. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Available from: https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/search?taxon_key=5582042 Last accessed 02.03.2020. Kovtonyuk, N. & I. Belyaeva 2015. Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on the names published by M.G. Popov in Salix L. and Populus L. (Salicaceae). Skvortsovia 2(2): 126-140. Kovtonyuk, N., I. Han & E. Gatilova 2019. Digital herbarium collections of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. In: Information technologies in the research of biodiversity (I. Bychkov & V. Voronin, eds), pp. 22-27, Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. CrossRef Skvortsov, A.K. 1966a. Review of willows from the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Trudy Botanicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR 15:91-140 (in Russian). [Скворцов А.К. 1966. Обзор ив Кавказа и Малой Азии // Труды Ботанического института Армянской ССР. Т. 15. С. 91-140]. Skvortsov, A.K. 1966b. No 4536. Salix pseudodepressa A.K.Skvortsov. In: Schedae ad Herbarium Florae URSS ab Instituto Botanico Academiae Scientiarum URSS editum. XVI, fasc. 89-94 (№№ 4401-4700) (S.K. Czerepanov, ed.), pp. 70-71, Nauka, Moscow, Leningrad (in Russian). [Скворцов A. K., 1966b. № 4536 Salix pseudodepressa A.K.Skvortsov Список растений гербария флоры СССР, издаваемого Ботаническим институтом им. В.Л. Комарова Академии наук СССР. Москва; Ленинград, Наука. T. 16, вып. 91. С. 70-71]. Skvortsov, A.K. 1968. Willows of the USSR. A taxonomic and geographic revision. Nauka, Moscow, 264 pp. (in Russian). [Скворцов А.К. Ивы СССР. Систематический и географический обзор. М.: Наука. 264 с.]. Skvortsov, A.K. 1999. Willows of Russia and adjacent countries. Taxonomical and geographical Revision. University of Joensuu Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Report Series 39:1-307. Stepanova, N.Y., S.A. Poluektov & I.V. Belyaeva 2019. Clarification on the typification of Salix sphenophylla A.K. Skvortsov subsp. pseudotorulosa A.K.Skvortsov (Salicaceae). Skvortsovia 5(1):9-13. Thiers, B. (ed.) 2020. [Continuously updated] Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden's Virtual Herbarium. Available from: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/ Last accessed 01.03.2020. Turland, N.J., J.H. Wiersema, F.R. Barrie, W. Greuter, D.L. Hawksworth, P.S. Herendeen, S. Knapp, W.-H. Kusber, D.-Z. Li, K. Marhold, T.W. May, J. McNeill, A.M. Monro, J. Prado, M.J. Price & G.F. Smith (eds) 2018. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Vegetabile 159. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten, 254 pp. CrossRef